Our client, Good Earth Organics, asked for our help when they decided to switch to Shopify for both their brochure site and e-commerce. We helped them get the site up quickly so they could have it ready for potential investors when they introduced their offering on seedinvest.com. One benefit of using Shopify was that it allowed them to continue to utilize Amazon fulfillment for their existing products while selling other products that they could fullfill directly.

After looking at some exemplar sites to help us hone in on a new direction for the website, Good Earth ceo Liz Wald liked the idea of keeping the menu very simple and focused on their products while hiding the less important navigation elements behind a mobile sidebar menu. We took advantage of their high quality photo content to create a clean modern look for the site that focuses on their product lines.

Mobile UX
We added a custom mobile friendly product comparison table so users of small devices have an easy time finding the info they need while on the go.