We’ve been creating web based applications for 20 years and we’ve had many great people on our team. Scroll down to learn more about who we are today and how we started.

Company History
GORGES was founded in 2003 by Matthew Clark (Princeton) and former CEO Christopher Grant (Cornell) in Ithaca NY. Inspired by the beautiful natural qualities of the area they decided to name the company after it’s most well recognized natural feature, the gorges. Over the years GORGES has grown into a full stack development company with many long term clients, successful partnerships and ventures into new technologies.
Matthew Clark
CEO, Application Developer -
Ted Caldwell
Senior Application Developer -
Sean Kennedy
Designer, Front End Developer -
Virginia Augusta
Director of Operations and Sales -
Joseph Cleveland
Application Developer -
Connor Curry
Application Developer -
Erich Ostendarp
Application Developer -
Ondine Morgan-Knapp
Junior Application Developer -
Aidan Foley
Part-Time Developer